Listening to the same song, straddling the bike from the same side
every time, performing a particular stretch routine, making the sign of
the cross or putting a certain glove or boot on first. Riders employ
many methods in order to maintain focus, many of them with no logical
The objective is to try to block out the environment, focusing all
thoughts into one, and above all reinforce the idea that everything is
under control. Some of these gestures are virtually copyrighted and are
sometimes copied by novices. Who is not curious to see Valentino Rossi
always watching the Moto3 race start from the wall as a spectator, or
bending his knees and clutching them before getting on his bike?
Manias, superstitions, fixations, ideas or routines, call it what you
want, but all riders need a ‘safe place’. They need to repeat a sequence
of actions, however insignificant, to help them concentrate and stay
focused. If you did a comprehensive survey many of them would admit to
the same procedures, but each uses his own mechanism of concentration to
try to have a sense of control over something that is beyond control.
The rain, contact from a rival, a breakdown. . . These are just some of
the drawbacks of motorcycling beyond the control of anyone, but still
most riders convince themselves that they can be mastered.

Contrary to general thinking, concentration, disconnection, abstraction,
responses to fear. . . these are all parameters that can be trained and
over in a race weekend are almost evenly combined. Unfortunately, while
the riders are elite athletes and act as such to many extents, they
neglect to take care of certain aspects that are more important than
their skill. Especially in the early days. Many extremely talented
riders have been left behind due to their bad habits, which they try to
cover up when their performance slumps.
Training daily, eating a healthy diet and resting is the bread and
butter of an elite athlete. Training the mind in order to face the
pressure of the big occasion is also fundamental to optimizing
performance. Being able to concentrate and manage intense moments of
concentration is basic. The rider must know how to structure the weekend
in terms of priorities and focus to perform at their highest level in
each session.
There are two types of concentration: introspection, used to loosen up,
and fixation on outside factors. Rest is also crucial to avoid excessive
mental fatigue, which can affect physical performance. The better the
results are, the easier it is to rest. If the rider is too self-critical
and has not scored a good result, they will analyse all the reasons why
and will not disconnect.
Do not confuse rest with isolation, which can sometimes form part of the
period before concentration can begin. Finding a place to eat alone,
escaping to the motorhome for a game on the console, or just a nap, are
some basic mechanisms to release tension and drive away negative
thoughts. There are riders who must be completely exhausted at the end
of a Grand Prix weekend. Who has not asked for a picture with their
favourite rider and the most they have managed is a posed shot. Some
riders reach such levels of concentration that they are little more than
zombies, their bodies roaming the paddock but their thoughts elsewhere.

‘Controlling the uncontrollable’ also applies to fear, the riders’
biggest enemy. In sport there are many types of fear and one of the most
significant is the fear of failure. In riders the most ‘logical’ fear
is that of a big crash. The natural human response to fear is paralysis,
avoidance and struggle. ‘These riders who crash at 200km/h and ten
minutes later get back on the bike are crazy!’ It is a common remark but
there is little truth to it.
The accumulated level of adrenaline is such that a rider’s first thought
after a fall in the middle of a session is ‘quick, I need to get back
out because the session is nearly over,’ not ‘oh dear, I crashed.’ Fear
can appear later when in the cold light of day they think again about
the damage they could have possibly done. This fear is more a friend
than foe, as it helps to recognize the limits and impose a specific
prudence in future. In contrast, excessive fear or panic may block
logical though, becoming a handicap for a rider or indeed any other
In order to understand a little more the grey matter of motorcycle
racers we see self-belief as another way to face reality. Very important
indeed. There is scientific evidence that positive or indeed negative
thinking influences brain responses. But be careful, your self-belief
must come from an objective place. And humility must be your universal
force. Think that it is best to be positive, without losing sight that
in order to win every battle must be fought first. Arrogance and
overconfidence are a fast track to failure.
That said, when you see an athlete doing some strange gesture or
following a curious ritual, do not be surprised, it is their way of
trying to get a sense of control over something that is basically